sContinuing up the East Coast, Mark kept his eye on storms that threatened to move in his direction, but luckily, moved on either well ahead of him or stayed to the west.
Day 14 (Friday, June 5) Rainy morning but Polaris had proven to be a cozy ride. With a cup of coffee in hand, headed towards Coinjock Marina, NC, but will only get about about ½ way today, spending the night in Belhaven, NC, off the Pamilico River. Quiet night out on anchor.
Day 15 (Saturday, June 6) Left Belhaven and headed to Coinjock, NC. Putting up the Sail, Power, and Steam Museum flag attracts interest in an already interesting boat, and we even had someone “kicking the tires” on Polaris, asking if she is for sale! Much anticipated high point of the trip – a 16 oz Prime Rib. Mark was looking forward to this for days and forgot to take the requested photos so we could share his joy. :)
Day 14 (Friday, June 5) Rainy morning but Polaris had proven to be a cozy ride. With a cup of coffee in hand, headed towards Coinjock Marina, NC, but will only get about about ½ way today, spending the night in Belhaven, NC, off the Pamilico River. Quiet night out on anchor.
Day 15 (Saturday, June 6) Left Belhaven and headed to Coinjock, NC. Putting up the Sail, Power, and Steam Museum flag attracts interest in an already interesting boat, and we even had someone “kicking the tires” on Polaris, asking if she is for sale! Much anticipated high point of the trip – a 16 oz Prime Rib. Mark was looking forward to this for days and forgot to take the requested photos so we could share his joy. :)
Day 16 (Sunday, June 7) Having satisfied his “meat-a-tarian” urges, Mark headed for Deltaville, VA, at the mouth of the Chesapeake where he spent another night on anchor. Beautiful weather – perfect for a long trip up the Bay. Mark noted that "everything in Norfolk is BIG!"
Day 17 (Monday, June 8) Travelled up the Bay to St. Michaels, MD, getting in too late to hit the local restaurants that are running with limited hours due to the pandemic. There was time to wander around this beautiful seaside town, though, full of old buildings and lovely houses. Polaris stayed at the dock of the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum which has yet to reopen.
Day 18 (Tuesday, June 9) Today’s goal was to get through to the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal at slack tide, crossing to the Delaware River as the tide goes out – no fun fighting the tide for hours on end! As it was, it would be a 5 hour ride down the river to Cape May, NJ. Mark commented that the Delaware River was a rough ride. navigating Cape May Canal in the dark was a challenge! Could have used some moonlight. It was worth it for the calm SE wind up the NJ coast on Tuesday with an early start on Wednesday, should catch the current through NY and Hell's Gate"
Day 18 (Tuesday, June 9) Today’s goal was to get through to the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal at slack tide, crossing to the Delaware River as the tide goes out – no fun fighting the tide for hours on end! As it was, it would be a 5 hour ride down the river to Cape May, NJ. Mark commented that the Delaware River was a rough ride. navigating Cape May Canal in the dark was a challenge! Could have used some moonlight. It was worth it for the calm SE wind up the NJ coast on Tuesday with an early start on Wednesday, should catch the current through NY and Hell's Gate"